Choosing the right plans matters to your health and your financial well-being. Use these resources to help you select the best options for you and your family.
and compare that coverage to MSCI medical coverage. Remember, a surcharge will apply if you enroll a spouse/domestic partner in an MSCI medical option when other employer-sponsored coverage is available.
to review hypothetical employee profiles that explain how costs may vary based on your personal situation and the plan you choose.
for the current year by thinking about which medications and medical services from the past year will continue next year; which ones will not continue; and what new services you may need. Also, consider opportunities to lower your costs by switching from an out-of-network provider to an in-network provider or using a generic medication instead of a brand-name drug.
When you enroll, make sure your dependent information is correct and all your dependents are eligible.
Select an amount that will help you pay for your anticipated expenses with tax-free money. Learn how these accounts save you money.
Designate your life insurance beneficiary information during the enrollment process. Don’t forget your 401(k) beneficiary, too, which requires logging on to the Principal Financial Group website.
If you are a new hire and you do not enroll within 31 days, you will only have MSCI-provided basic life and accident insurance, short-term disability (STD) insurance, and long-term disability (LTD) insurance.
When choosing a medical plan, it’s important to think about the whole cost of coverage — the amount you’ll spend out of your paycheck, as well as out of your pocket (copays, deductibles, and coinsurance).
If you are a new hire and you wish to participate in benefits other than the MSCI Inc.-provided basic life and accident insurance, short-term disability (STD) insurance, and long-term disability (LTD) insurance, you will need to complete your New Hire task in Workday. Please ensure you submit your enrollment and print a confirmation of your elections for your records.
If you are a new hire and do not enroll within 31 days of your date of hire, you will only have MSCI Inc.-provided basic life and accident insurance, short-term disability (STD) insurance, and long-term disability (LTD) insurance.
The key difference between the plans is how much you pay in payroll contributions and how you pay for services throughout the year. Consider how you prefer to handle costs. For instance, would you rather pay extra from your paycheck for a medical plan that covers more of your costs when you need care, or pay as little as possible from your paycheck — even if that means bigger bills when you need care? Compare the plans here.
The way the Health Care FSA and the HSA work is largely the same — you contribute to your account through automatic, pre-tax payroll deductions, then use the money to pay for eligible health care expenses. However, there are some important differences. For example, unlike an FSA, MSCI contributes to your HSA. Plus, all the unused money in an HSA rolls over year after year and is always yours to keep whereas a FSA is a ‘use it or lose it’ plan. You can change your HSA contribution amount during the year whenever you want. Compare the accounts here.
If you have questions about your benefit options, eligibility, or enrollment, email the US Benefits Team at If you have questions about claims or coverage throughout the year, please contact the plan administrator using the Contacts list on this website.